- Respect myself, peers, staff, and school property at all times; including not swearing while in the building;
- Follow school expectations and DTSS/OD code of conduct;
- Participate in all school activities relevant to my program, and to work productively during class time;
- Speak with staff in an appropriate manner regarding questions or concerns;
- Leave school for the remainder of the morning/afternoon and accept an unexcused absence if I choose not to follow school expectations.
Attendance - I agree to:
- Personally, report excused absences by phone/email/text to Open Doors staff with acceptable reasons such as sickness, medical/dental, or legal appointments. A parent/guardian may be contacted to confirm.
Attendance - I understand that:
- Attendance will be taken each block - 5x per day/20x per week;
- I may attend on Fridays by appointment by telling a teacher or youth care worker to catch up on work.
- If I am LATE I will come in on the hour, to not disrupt students. If I am consistently LATE I may be asked to more to a part-time schedule.
Drugs and/or Alcohol - I understand that:
- During school hours (9:00-3:00pm) if I arrive smelling like alcohol or drugs, or with the appearance of someone under the influence of such substances, it will result in a discussion with staff and may result in A) being asked to leave; B) being suspended from this and other programs;
- If there is suspicion/proof of dealing substances to other students during school hours, it is immediate dismissal from the Open Doors program.
Technology - I agree to:
- Use technology appropriately. For example: no first person shooter games.
Other Schools - I understand that:
- Open Doors students are not allowed at DTSS between 8:45am-3:30pm Monday to Thursday and 8:45am-1:30pm on Friday.
- Open Doors students may attend DTSS school dances and participate in other extracurricular activities (ex: Lakers Athletics).
Suspension From Full Time or Academic Programs
- I understand that I may be suspended for being disrespectful, insubordinate, noncompliant, or threatening. I may be required to meet with an administrator before I may return to Open Doors;
- I understand that if I am not in attendance for more than 2 (two) weeks, or miss 24 blocks, even if there is an excusable reason, I will lose my full-time spot and be placed on the part-time list.
I understand and agree with these expectations. Should I fail to live up to these expectations, I am aware that I could lose my position at Open Doors. I understand that plagiarism or cheating may also result in suspension and/or removal from the program.